If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably rarely if ever considered the impact of your communication. I always assumed I was good at it. After all, most people aren’t brave enough to stand in front of a room and coach and we are.
For me, coaching was always about solving problems. I believe the first step in solving problems is acquiring adequate information. I spent the guts of a decade gathering and obsessing over sports textbooks, and seminar certs like a squirrel preparing for winter.
I’m guessing you’re cut from the same cloth. You want to help, and you want to be more helpful.
Have you ever noticed all the best coaches, in every sport, are phenomenally good at making their ideas seem simple and obvious?
There are two factors to this. First they’ve a vast knowledge of their particular sport (thats a given wouldn’t you agree?). Secondly, and this is why we’re here, they are world class communicators.
This second point is the difference between good coaches and great coaches.
Coaching is communicating.
Great Coaching takes great communication.
I imagine if you’ve read this far you’re nodding in agreement. You’ve come across great coaches, and they do have great communication, and you’ve encountered terrible coaches who, you guessed it, are terrible communicators.
Heres the kicker.
Communication is not something reserved for the great. It’s a skill. Like kicking a football or doing a snatch. Some people are naturally more talented. But everyone can improve.
The best coaches train and practice their communications like any other skill.
Picture this:
You’re coaching a group of 25+ athletes. You start talking and everyone shuts up. You go into detail around whats important in todays session and notice the room is hanging on every word.
Your ability to communicate amplifies your knowledge and developing world class communication skills is the gateway to developing into a world class coach.